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EMG/NCS Testing

What is and EMG/NCS Test?

NCS stands for Nerve Conduction Studies and EMG for Electromyography.

Nerve Conduction studies (NCS) are used to measure the health of your nerves.

Electromyography studies (EMG) evaluates the integrity of your muscles.

EMG/NCS Testing can help your Physical Therapist design appropriate treatment plans and manage your case more effectively.

The Art & Science of Clinical Dianostics

The Team of professionals at Synergy Diagostic Center is here to answer any of your questions and to provide you with competent and accurate EMG/NCS testing.

Dr. Ganesh Rajamani,DPT &
S. Vijayakumar,LPT have had formal training in both EMG/NCS

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EMG/NCS test helps?

Back Pain

Neck Pain

Numbness or tingling in the hands

Numbness or tingling in the feet

Burning Sensation in hands of feet

Weakness in the legs

Weakness in the arms and hands

Sensation of pins and needles



Recognized & Affiliated

EMG/NCS Testing

The results of the EMG/NCS testing can be very valuable for your Doctor to determine various conditions that can affect your nerves and muscles and to manage your care more effectively.

Recent research studies show that 60% of patients who received EMG/NCS Testing as part of their Physical Therapy care had a more positive outcome in their ease management.

get appointment for EMG/NCS testing now!

Call us at 281-554-9885.
For Wellness Membership fees please call us at 281-554-9885.